Harold John Bending,Born, 1895/ 1/23 at Tiverton, enlisted 1913/ 3/ 7 for 12 years
Personal details, height 5ft 6in, eyes blue, hair dk brown, complexion fresh, marks |
HMS Vivid, | 1913/ 3/ 7 to 1913/11/18, | 2 Cke Mte |
HMS Indus, | 1913/11/19 to , | " |
HMS Indus, | 1914/ 3/ 7 to 1914/ 8/ 2, | Cke Mte |
HMS Vivid, | 1914/ 8/ 3 to 1914/ 8/ 3, | " |
HMS Princess Ganges, | 1914/ 8/ 4 to 1914/11/ 3, | " |
HMS Vivid, | 1914/11/ 4 to 1914/12/31, | " |
HMS N.F.A. Marcs, | 1915/ 1/ 1 to 1915/ 9/30, | " |
HMS Jalaire, | 1915/10/ 1 to 1916/ 3/13, | " |
HMS Vivid, | 1916/ 3/14 to 1916/ 5/ 7, | " |
HMS Victory, | 1916/ 5/ 8 to 1917/ 6/30, | " |
HMS Victory, | 1917/ 7/ 1 to 1919/ 1/31, | " |
HMS Vivid, | 1919/ 2/ 1 to 1919/ 2/24, | " |
HMS Apollo, | 1919/ 2/25 to , | " |
HMS Apollo, | 1919/ 5/17 to 1919/ 6/22, | Cook |
HMS Vivid, | 1919/ 6/23 to 1919/ 9/15, | " |
HMS Highflyer, | 1919/ 9/16 to 1921/ 4/14, | " |
HMS Vivid, | 1921/ 4/15 to 1921/ 8/31, | " |
HMS Sandhurst, | 1921/ 9/ 1 to 1921/11/25, | " |
HMS Vivid, | 1921/11/26 to 1922/ 3/31, | " |
HMS Vivid, | 1922/ 4/ 1 to 1922/11/20, | " |
HMS Emperor of India, | 1922/11/21 to 1925/ 2/ 5, | " |
HMS Vivid, | 1925/ 3/ 6 to 1915/ 3/ 6, | " |