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Life Expectancy in years at various ages, by decade

The table shows life expectancy in years at various ages by decade, and is based on the age at death shown in the lists. As age at death was not declared until 1867 the first complete decade is 1871-1880, and it is not possible to give figures after 1911-1920 as members of subsequent generations are still alive.

The 1871-1880 decade shows a life expectancy of about 40 years at birth, (this is quite different from the average age at death for that decade because of the great increase in number of births), and at age 40 an expectation of about another 30 years to age 70. This latterexpectancy is not very different from that thirty years later.

Decade At birth at 10 at 40 at 60 at 70 at 80 Deaths
Born F M F M F M F M F M F M F M
1801-1810 --------511-5 47
1811-1820 ------17128623 1110
1821-1830 ------12127632 157
1831-1840 ----26251194635 1812
1841-1850 ----292515129624 1830
1851-1860 ----262415139782 2926
1861-1870 --5450342916169964 3630
1871-1880 4339604934261612101074 4457
1881-1890 564060543329161791055 5056
1891-1900 524959523535181812965 4250
1901-1910 585064533626191412965 5548
1911-1920 636465613634181610953 3746
1921-1930 60535255272811134512 2238

Life expectancies for 1901-1920 may be understated as deaths after 2006 have not been included

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